Friday, March 30, 2007

Food For Good Prostate Health

If you want a healthy prostate gland, you need to take care of the food you eat. You can include certain food in your to decrease the possibility of developing . Diet food with good nutrition also helps your prostate gland to function properly.

Raisin, pears, oranges, apples, grapes and lima beans contain boron to keep your prostate healthy. If you have a diversified diet, you should have enough amount of boron for prostate health. Food supplements coupled with boron should be taken if your diet cannot provide sufficient boron for your prostate needs.

Eat a variety of . Prostate diet can prevent against prostate problems and avoid prostate treatment. Practice good eating habits by incorporating food that are good for your prostate gland into your daily diet.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Treat Prostate Cancer With Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy is one of the methods to treat prostate cancer. The objective of this therapy is to minimize the output of the hormone testosterone which is responsible for triggering cancerous cells.

The gets worse if the cancerous prostatic cells are not treated. These affected cells respond to testosterone in a way that encourages them to spread rapidly to other parts of the body.

The suffocates the cancerous cells by not allowing them to feed on testosterone. One common hormone treatment for prostate cancer is removal of the testes through surgery. This is known as castration. Testes produces testosterone. So, by removing the testes, the cancerous cells can no longer thrive.