Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Old Josh, In - A Delicate Wind (1902)

The summer became fall, and the fall itself advanced to a pre frosty winter, a chill in the air, Josh had less and less light to escape from his shanty, and from the fields, to the fishing down at he creek, Goose Creek. Soon it became darker before it got later, when he finished his chores on the plantation, he got ready to go down to the creek, in the dark actually, left the barn, grabbed his fishing pole, and took those big feet of his and nonetheless, dark or not, headed across the fields to the creek, looking back he saw the misty appearance of the barn, his shanty, the mansion, the Hightower Mansion. Molly Benton had her light on in her little house by the creek, usually when he got down there late, especially in December, it was tangible to think the false darkens was late at night, when in essence it was only 6:00 PM.