Monday, November 10, 2008

What Indiana Jones May Teach You About Writing Role Playing Games

One of the reasons why the fellow with the whip was so popular were all the traps protecting the treasures. The one everyone knows is the giant ball. A lesser known one is the IEHOVAH trap from the Last Crusade. But how did Indiana know about what word to use in the first place? Simple-he found a scroll beforehand. Something you could use. Read more...

Do You Believe in Horoscopes? - Your Pet Has a Horoscope Too

I know that for many of us checking our daily horoscope is routine whether it be for a serious insight to how our day, week or month will go or for our own entertainment purposes. Well one thing that tends to be overlooked however is the fact that all living things on this planet have a birth date and time which means all living things also have a horoscope. Complete article at ...

Why Radio Commercials Could Mean Big Profits For Online Businesses

Online marketing isn't the only way to drive traffic to your business' web site. Sure, marketing your business online can be very cost-effective and result in a lot of sales. However, it also can be very competitive and expensive. Further reading ...

Do You Have What it Takes to Be a Video Game Expert?

Do you find yourself playing computer video games for hours every day? If so you may be an excellent candidate for starting a career in the gaming industry. If this sounds interesting to you you'll need to a good knowledge on a wide range of games, gaming systems and of course a lot perseverance and patience. Complete article at ...

Electric Car Popularity - Reasons People Prefer Electric Cars To Gas Cars

Electric Car Popularity - Reasons People Prefer Electric Cars To Gas Cars
This article will help update yourself on the scene of electric cars and put you back on track when it comes to alternate motor vehicles! Electric cars are not a new concept as we think, people have been using them for a long time. In fact in the 1900's people used more electric cars than cars run on gas. In the 1920's when the popularity for cars was growing, gas was very costly. Starting a gas run car was also a very tedious process, there was no key to ignite the engine, in fact a rod used to fit into the front of the car which had to be turned round and round to get the car started.

County votes to ban marijuana cultivation

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Mendocino County's reputation as a marijuana haven of California may be going up in smoke.

Be Your Own Guide in Speed-Reading

Be Your Own Guide in Speed-Reading
Not every skill is required for people of all ages. But speed-reading is a skill that can needed for people of all level.

The Radio DJ's Guide to Doing Timecheck

Radio disc jockeys are obliged to deliver timechecks. But are they really obliged to do it frequently? It is enough to know the time thrice in an hour? Further reading ...

Four Simple Ways to Help You Gain New Perspectives and Get Unstuck

Have you ever felt like a fly banging against a glass wall, trying to accomplish something which seems so obvious and yet eludes you? Sometimes, the obvious really isn't so while the solution can be as simple as gaining a new perspective from a different angle: look from above, take a few steps back, turn to the sides or turn around - and you may find an exit. If not, build your own ladder to climb over the wall. Read more...

Tell Me About Computers

Should we be scared of computers? Is there still people out there that think computers are magical devices? Read more...

Self Indocrination - The Secret To Achieve Success

You are indeed the product of your own thinking and the words that you allow into your mind. You are the product of what happens in those billions of brain cells where the trigger to the "Will to Act" lies. Within you is the power to mobilize your abilities, the power to destroy fear, the power to dream and create the power to convert failure into achievement and turn the products of defeat into victory. It all begins in the mind, YOUR MIND. Read more ...

DWI Attorney - What to Look For in a Good DWI Attorney

If you find yourself in legal trouble the best course of action is to enroll the help of a reputable attorney who knows the specifics of your type of legal case. When it comes to attorneys you will find them everywhere but one is not as good as the next. If you are looking for a good DWI attorney then there are some specific qualifications you want to find before you retain an attorney. It will have a significant difference in the outcome of your legal issues. Continue ...

Chevy Pickup History - Decades of Trucks

Chevy pickup history began in 1918 when the first trucks went on sale. They were a far cry from the Chevrolet trucks of today, but they made a huge impact on the world. Man would now use motor power instead of animals for work and travel. A proud farmer or rancher standing beside his Chevy truck becomes a common sight. Complete article at ...

Whiners, Unite! Then Find the Nearest Exit

Since reading "Thou Shalt Not Whine" by January Jones, I've become hyper-aware of whiny people. There's pretty much an epidemic! As a whole, when did we start thinking life owes us so much while we owe it so little? Work for our piece of the pie? Forget that - just put it on our plate... Read more...