Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bridge - Rules of Etiquette

Bridge, the popular card game, can come across as truly beguiling to the beginner. Before attempting to play, one should be au fait with the etiquette and expected codes of conduct of the game. Read more...

Six Tips to Get Rid of Fleas the Natural Way

Are you having problems with fleas infesting your dog? There are a lot of products in the market today to help you out with this problem. Sadly not all you see in the supermarket shelves can help your pet out. Continue ...

Ceiling and Wall Basics

No one walks into a house and says, "Gee, nice walls." Smooth, well-finished walls are generally not a glamorous project for a home owner to be proud of Leave a hole or crack in a wall or ceiling though, and people will notice. The good news is that repairing ceilings and walls is a fairly simple straightforward task. Further reading ...

6 Self-promotional Tips For Voiceovers

Do you want to make more money doing voiceover work? Here are some self-promotional, marketing tips for actors. Complete article at ...

The 25% Offer Scenario in Delinquent Investing

In Tax Delinquent Investing you have to know the definitions of assessed value and real value and how it is different from each other. Each property has them. Each value in each county and state is given a value depending on a lot of different factors. The assessed value is typically only a fraction of the true market value. Read more...

Guessing game begins on Obama and McCain VP picks

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Few events in U.S. presidential races spark a media frenzy like the choice of a running mate.

Considering Work From Home Options? - How To Approach Your Employer

You may love your job and be a worthy contributor to your company's success; you may even have been working at the same place for many years and find it challenging and invigorating to 'give it your all' - but, have you considered what you may have been missing out on in the bargain' Perhaps yes, perhaps not; whatever the truth in your answer, its time you did a bit of soul-searching and found out just what your life means to you and if you have a family back home that misses you and a quality of life that is eluding you currently, which you deserve to have, the best way to start making a change is by considering a work from home option. Read more...

Get Yourself the Power of Words in a Smart Way

Books are a man's best friend since they offer valuable insight and information to their readers. The growth and popularity of the books, which saw a marginal decline in the last decade, is now back to its deserving place. Complete article at ...

Sport and Physical Recreation - Finding Ways to Stay Physically Active

Video games are slowly, or some would say rapidly, destroying young people's desire to move more than just their thumbs. No matter how interactive these technological marvels are, they are no match for REAL sport and physical recreation. Complete article at ...

Fitness And Beauty - 6 Points To Show How They Are Inter-Connected

Feeling lethargic and sluggish? This article will help you back on the road to physical fitness and enhancing the naturally beautiful you. Read more ...

Corporate Jet Catering a Catering Service Extraordinaire

When you fly on a corporate jet, you don't serve wrapped sandwiches or tea and coffee in a Styrofoam cup to the passengers. No way! Corporate jet catering is almost like dining in a five-star restaurant. Passengers have a choice of meal and it is served on real plates with real cutlery. Read more...

20% Higher Productivity in Exchange For Sickness

Students (of all people) tend to focus on short term results when it comes to caffeine and energy drinks. They, like everyone else should be aware of how their body functions when drinking even one of these power-ups. Continue ...

Home Automation - No More The Privilage Of A Wealthy Few

Home automation is now no longer the privilege of a wealthy few. Now, anybody can afford it. Automation not only offers you a sense of security, but also makes your life easy and comfortable. Read more...

Getting Started With Your Family Genealogy Research

Getting Started With Your Family Genealogy Research
Helpful tips for getting a start on your family history research. Hopefully, this will help you give the push you need to get started and start building your family tree.

Info About Induction Loop Systems 2

Induction loop systems are used to assist the hearing impaired by transmitting sound from a sound system, microphone, television or other source, directly to the hearing aid. Induction Loop Systems are set to become a standard feature both at home and in ALL public buildings where assistance with hearing is required. Induction loop systems are used all over the world, and are required to meet an established international standard, which was developed under the auspices of the IEC (International Electro technical Commission). Continue ...