Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Mediterranean Diet Linked With Brain Health

The Mediterranean Diet Linked With Brain Health
The Mediterranean Diet Linked With Brain Health

There have been a lot of discussions on Mediterranean diet. Basically you eat veggies, fruits, whole grains and fish. A recent study showed that adding virgin olive oil or mixed nuts into your diet may boost your brain power especially if you are an elderly person.

"Participants in the PREDIMED-NAVARRA trial who consumed the Mediterranean diet plus olive oil had significantly better cognitive function scores on a Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) (+0.62 versus controls, 95% CI 0.18-1.05, P=0.005)"

So enriching your diet with olive oil or mixed nuts may prevent cognitive decline in aging brains. If you want to learn more about Mediterranean diet, check the following articles.

<a href="http://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/2013/05/21/mediterranean-diet-is-brain-food/">Mediterranean diet is brain food</a>
<a href="http://healthland.time.com/2013/05/21/mediterranean-diet-better-than-low-fat-diet-in-keeping-aging-brains-sharp/">Mediterranean Diet Better Than Low-Fat Diet In Keeping Aging Brains Sharp</a>

Saturday, May 18, 2013

For Better Health, Smile More

For Better Health, Smile More
Recent Dutch research on 481 participants, who made various faces expressing different emotions, found that both computer software and other people guessed that smiling people were younger than they actually were, but only for those over age 40. Those younger than 40 looked younger when they wore more neutral expressions.

Smiling Can Improve Your Wellbeing

Smiling Can Improve Your Wellbeing
After DePauw University researchers analyzed the grins of hundreds of graduates in multiple years of yearbook photos, they found that the top 10 percent of smilers had a divorce rate of about one in 20. Those in the bottom 10 percent, however, were five times as likely to get divorced. “Smilers tend to be happier, more social, and more emotionally stable, all traits that lead to successful relationships.