Friday, August 15, 2008

A Child's Questions When a Parent Has Cancer

When a child finds out that one of his parents has cancer, they will have many questions on their mind, many that they will not ask. When appropriate, it may be better to answer some questions before they are asked. It may be hard for them to talk about or ask questions of their peers or family members so a support group for children who have a parent with cancer may be helpful Read more...

Startup Financial Models

A particular context or decision should go in the actual realization of practical startup financial models. This decision or context depends on the horizon within which it has to be located. Many businesses and other financial activities require a limited horizon, while others operate within horizons that may stretch for weeks, months and maybe even years. Read more...

What Will Your Insurance Policy Pay If You Break a Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb?

What Will Your Insurance Policy Pay If You Break a Compact Fluorescent Light Bulb?
Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs are new and terrific, but what happens when one gets broken in your home or business? Are you covered?

Pencil Portrait Drawing Tips on Supplies Posted By : Remi Engels. Ph.D.

In this article we discuss the various tools that are used in the process of pencil portrait drawing from photographs. These tools include: pencils, paper, drawing board, clips or masking tape, maulstick, broom, and other tools. Continue ...

Protecting Children Around Pools

Protecting Children Around Pools
The sad truth is, many people do not realize how dangerous swimming can really be, especially for small children. Every year 2,000 children under the age of five are taken to emergency rooms for submersion injuries.

Mars lander's 1st soil sample may not be analyzed

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Dirt that the Phoenix Mars Lander scooped recently from the planet's surface may be too clumpy to be analyzed by the machine's onboard system, NASA reported on Saturday.

Health Begins With Water

Health Begins With Water
The normal North American diet is producing more people who feel unwell and older than their biological age. Find out how you can change your life and your health so that you don't age like your parents. It's simpler than you think.

Poor Personal Hygiene Practices in a Restaurant and How to Prevent Food Poisoning

Do you know all the ways the kitchen staff, cooks, and food handlers in a restaurant can contaminate your food and cause you to become ill? Learn how to spot these dangerous and illegal practices, and how to respond to them, saving yourself from a potentially deadly illness. Read more...