There are lots of houses that are left hanging in the market. What could the reasons be?
Binomial Probability Distributions with Microsoft Excel
Need to work with binomial probability distributions? Don't forget that Microsoft Excel supplies powerful tools for performing just this sort of statistical analysis.
Beta Probability Density Calculations with Microsoft Excel
Need to make Beta Probability calculations? Microsoft Excel supplies two useful statistical functions for making just these sorts of calculations, BETADIST and BETAINV.
Internet Dating Advice 7 Internet Dating Tips For Men
When you are using internet dating sites, there are some critical rules you must follow if you want to have success getting phone numbers and winning dates. Here are seven guidelines that you should adhere too.
Some Cleaning Tips For Your Apartment
Every now and then I pick up some great tips and ideas to help give my place that clean, gleaming feel with as little stress as possible. Cleaning and keeping your apartment in tip top guest shape can be an overwhelming thought when you are limited for time. Then, sometimes, no matter how hard you clean and try to keep your place in shape, it just gets out of shape again...
List Building 101
One of the most common tips an internet marketer hears is, "The key to success is your list". If you have been involved in internet marketing at all I'm sure you've heard some form of that statement. I wish I could say that a list isn't important, but it is! Start building your list as soon as possible. As my list grows, so do my profits.
Paramount and Warner Support Blu ray Over HD DVD
Sony, the loser of the first media format war (VHS vs. Betamax) and the maker of Blu ray, is making great strides in the next battle against HD DVD. Paramount Pictures and Warner Brothers have joined Walt Disney, 20th Century Fox, and MGM as exclusive backers of the Sony format.