Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Autobook Review - "Time For a Model Change"

All riled up and overstressed, defensive automakers attempt to salvage the best out of the bad times. Authored by Graeme P. Maxton and John Wormald, Time for a Model Change: Re-engineering the Global Automotive Industry had forewarned of the dangers looming large on the auto industry. Read on to know more about their masterpiece book. Further reading ...

Barrett's Esophagus - The Body's Early Warning Defense System For Esophageal Cancer

Barrett's Esophagus - The Body's Early Warning Defense System For Esophageal Cancer
Barrett's esophagus is the body's early warning defense system for esophageal cancer. However, it is silent, symptomless, and the acid reflux sufferer may actually think his/her symptoms are improving when in fact a pre-cancerous condition may be developing. This intriguing article explains exactly what happens as this dynamic process starts to occur and gives some eye-opening statistics about Barrett's esophagus and esophageal cancer that are cause for concern.

Defining Key Terms in Equity Incentive Plans

Companies design Equity Incentive Plans ("Plans") to provide key, upper-level employees an equity interest in the company. The purpose of these plans is to motivate these employees to perform their best tie these employees' financial futures to the stock price of the company. Read more...

Iron Man Movie - Is it Time to Buy Up Iron Man Comic Books?

Comic book buyers, sellers and collectors have caught Iron Man fever. All of this has been launched by the Iron Man movie. Complete article at ...

Low Cost Start Up Business

Low Cost Start Up Business
Info publishing is the ideal business if you want to start a new business from home but have limited money. The business is based on selling information which does not cost you anything if you already have knowledge about a subject.

The Irresponsible Lender of Last Resort

The Irresponsible Lender of Last Resort
If you surf the web using search phrases like "New World Order", "Illuminati", "David Rockefeller", and so forth, chances are subjects like "Lender of Last Resort", "The Federal Reserve", and "central banking" have come up. Regardless, I have to admit that the aforementioned keywords make central banking a lot more interesting to the average person.

Speed Up My PC - Quick Tips

The performance of a personal computer or PC needs to be maintained at 100% or near 100% at all times to ensure that optimum performance of the PC is guaranteed, and the onus for maintaining that 100% rests only with the user and there is no reason to doubt the capability of the PC or the deficiency in manufacturing. The relative decline in performance and the need to speed up the pc is often a concern for the PC users. How to speed up my pc is a question frequently asked by the PC users. Read more ...

Pet Trusts - Which Type of Pet Trust is Better?

As a pet owner, you want to be assured that your pet will continue to receive the proper care and attention that you have always provided, even when you are no longer able to take care of them yourself. A secure way of providing for your pet's care is through a pet trust, in which you designate both a caregiver to care for your pet and a trustee to ensure that your trust's funds are used for the benefit of your pet. Read more ...

The Importance of Hiring a Prenup Lawyer

This is one reason why many couples opt for a prenuptial agreement. So if you are seriously considering marrying your partner, hiring prenup lawyer will be a good thing for you to do. Basically prenup is a contracted which is entered to or agreed by two people preceding their legal union or marriage. To draw up this agreement you will have to hire the services of a prenup lawyer as he is the best person to help you out in this. Continue ...

Free Reverse Phone Directory

Free reverse phone directory services can virtually be found all over the internet. A reverse phone directory is a special telephone or cell phone service that gives users access to a database of telephone numbers and other details associated with the contact that uses that number. This, however, should be distinguished from the conventional telephone directory or the manual phone book. In a literal sense, reverse phone directories are a reverse form of the usual telephone directory service, where as opposed to looking up a telephone number of a target or specific individual, business or establishment, sites or establishments that provide free reverse phone directory service allows an individual to search for information using a given telephone number.

How to Beat a Traffic Ticket - Know Your Rights!

There are times that we do not have any choice but to accept the fact that we have violated a particular traffic law. Thus, we have to pull over our cars and have some conversation with a traffic police officer. Whether we are guilty or innocent of the violation, we still have to know how to beat a traffic ticket. Read more...

Business Vs Consumer Internet - One Size Doesn't Fit All

Since businesses and consumers have very different functions, it follows that their Internet connection needs wouldn't be the same either. Fortunately, DSL is not a one size fits all type of deal. Instead, options are customizable depending on your needs. Further reading ...

Take a Load Off Fannie - Salvaging the Mortgage Giants Without Bankrupting the Taxpayers

Did the government's "rescue" of Fannie and Freddie reverse the housing crisis or just save foreign investors? And what will the cost be to the taxpayers? There is a way to reverse the housing crisis that would cost taxpayers nothing. Read more...