Saturday, July 25, 2009

RISK - Real Intelligence Seeking Knowledge

With the Financial and socioeconomic breakdown within our current paradigm in full force and effect, the masses are in a state of complete isolation and so many are afraid to take any sort of perceived financial R.I.S.K. This can lead to missed opportunities, a continued reliance on the old school Financial Planner or Broker and an overall sense that the markets are hopeless. Read more...

How to Cut Your Risk of Getting Cancer in Half

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for your overall health and helps to build strong bones. Our bodies produce this vitamin naturally through sun light, but in the winter months it is very difficult to get the proper amount of sun light to produce enough vitamin D even if you were to work outside all day every day and you were naked. Continue ...

Ways to Know More About Government Grants

Ways to Know More About Government Grants
If you are a citizen in United States, getting free money from government to pay off your debt is not a scam. You might actually be able to qualify for FREE government grant that will enable you to pay off your credit card bills. The federal government aims to help those citizens who are really drowned in deep debt during financial crisis. Let's see some of the useful guidelines below which can assist you to obtain the grant in a smoother manner.

The History of Softball

Softball is arguably one of the most popular sports in the world today. The fact that 25-40 million people in the United States play this and that it became an event in the Olympics in 1996 is enough proof of its popularity. Further reading ...

School Bus Injuries

School Bus Injuries
The yellow school bus has become an American icon. It elicits fond memories of school days. Riding a yellow bus to school has become a right of passage in American culture. Featured in movies like Forrest Gump, the school bus symbolizes the start of a young child leaving home to adventure off into the world. Children watch their older siblings board the school bus daily and eagerly await the time when they will be able to join.

PC Monitor Range

PC Monitor Range
PC monitors come in all shapes, sizes and resolutions and not all monitors are created equal. Before you think about purchasing a new pc monitor, there are a few things you should know.

How to Spot a Fraudulent Business Offer or Transaction

How to Spot a Fraudulent Business Offer or Transaction
Fraudulent predators are just waiting to catch you in a mistake. They surf the web looking for businesses that look new, then they set their trap. Seller beware.

DNA Paternity Testing When the Parent Is Deceased

DNA Paternity Testing When the Parent Is Deceased
The most common form of DNA testing, used to establish the biological relationship between two or more people, is the paternity test. This is generally employed to resolve disputed paternity, and usually involves a simple test employing a sample collected using an oral swab. However, in cases where the alleged father is deceased, this paternity test is more awkward, and the sampling procedures more complicated.

Reverse Telephone Directory Search - Searching For a Caller's Personal Information

Reverse Telephone Directory Search - Searching For a Caller's Personal Information
Have you ever seen an unknown, suspicious number on your phone bill? At first you do some basic reconnaissance, asking friends and family if they know the number. But, chances are, nobody will recognize it. You just have to let it go for now. If you continue to see these unknown phone numbers, and would really like to figure out who the mystery caller is, you will likely need to use a reverse telephone directory search.

Too Busy to Live?

Too Busy to Live?
Every year Americans die from a lack of proper management and care for our health. I know you don't have time to take a 30 minute walk at least 3 times per week. It's too much to take time to plan my meals so that I don't consume too much food with empty calories, or overwork your heart with saturated fats.....sure we only live once and must enjoy ourselves with over indulgence with desserts, fats, carbohydrates, sodas, fries, burgers, alcohol and... need I say more?

Reverse Phone Number Tracer and Your Phone Bill

Reverse Phone Number Tracer and Your Phone Bill
Do you feel like your phone bills are getting out of control? This problem is natural if you have a child who talks nonstop to all their friends. Or may you keep seeing a particular number that continues to pop up on your bill, and every person in your household denies calling it. If either one of these predicaments sounds familiar to you, then you probably need to check out the numbers you don't know on your bill by utilizing a reverse phone number tracer.

Understanding the Importance of Early Screening

The importance of early screening for cancer is often very underestimated. Early screening for cancer means catching the disease before it progresses and increases the chances of surviving the cancer. Further reading ...

Recipe For Trouble - The Internet

We all know the power of the internet. If you are starting a new business, the internet can be your best friend. It can also be your worse enemy. There are two quotes about the internet that you should keep in mind. The first is "You can't take something off the Internet-it's like taking pee out of a pool" (Author Unknown). Read more...