Sunday, May 17, 2009

Yahtzee Tips

Yahtzee Tips
Yahtzee is a great dice game that relies mostly on luck. However it is not all luck. There are a few things you can do to increase your chances of winning and here they are.

New On-Line Site Provides Vintage Radio "Feel" With Free Audio Fiction

New On-Line Site Provides Vintage Radio "Feel" With Free Audio Fiction
Check out exciting new site that offers an old-time radio feel! New Fiction is free and offers books not available anywhere else! Read online, download or via email...chapter at a time or buy a pdf book for only $5. You really can't lose! Also, check out two reviews published along with Site Review!

You Have the Means to Survive the Financial Crisis

As global financial giants continue to crash on the deck with resounding crashes, the financial world reels in chaos. Scenes of bewilderment and loss of self-assurance not seen since the Great Depression in the early 1930's, fill the media. This is not the moment to panic and allow your emotions to take control. Read more...

Picking the Best Insurance Plan

Trying to search the web for some additional information about picking the best insurance plan for you and for those you love? Well then, you have found the right place. Read this article thoroughly and get more details about the topic at hand as we try to answer some questions you may have in mind right now. Read more...

When Walking Makes More Sense

When Walking Makes More Sense
Often, when we think about cars, our minds wander to the first time we got a car and how excited we were. However, nowadays, that tune has changed. People's excitement over getting a new vehicle is somewhat dampened by the reality that owning a vehicle will, in fact, cause perhaps more of a burden than not owning a vehicle at all.

Creating Larger Commercial Bathrooms and Kitchens at Work to Boost Productivity

Creating Larger Commercial Bathrooms and Kitchens at Work to Boost Productivity
Installing new kitchen and/or bathrooms in the work place for both customers and employees will give both a sense of being richer and more elegant than they really are. Both of these outcomes are good for business.

The Banksters Take a Page From Enron

Tragedy is turning into farce as the real intent of the bank rescue plan becomes apparent. Geithner and the banksters have adopted the playbook of a true fraud-and-deceit all-star: Enron. Further reading ...

Discover This Night Shift Health Problem

Discover This Night Shift Health Problem
Is the extra money you earn for working the night shift worth the risk to your health? Is this night shift health problem recently discovered going to have you thinking again?

Carrom Foosball Tables Are Just a Small Part of a Long History of Foosball

For many people, foosball is a fun and recreational pastime. For others it is a sport played competitively, often for money prizes. Sometimes it is played with strictly defined rules and other times it is played casually with only minimal rules. I have only played foosball for fun with friends and family so I'm not really up on all the technicalities of the game. Read more...