Remedies from flowers and trees are subtle" elixirs" that claim to be able to help to rekindle a feeling of mental and emotional, as well as physical, well being. Some aim to bring relief from unsettling moods and emotions such as anxiety, fear, guilt, and anger, and others encourage people who use them to recognize and let go of deep seated behavioral patterns that give rise to such feelings. Above all, they claim to be able to help people feel calm and content in times of stress.
Flower Remedies How Flower Remedies Work
Flower remedies are made by floating the freshly picked blooms in bowls of spring water and leaving them in sunlight on a cloudless day. In this way, the water is "potentized" by the essence of the nower, which is believed to have entered the liquid. The potentized water is then mixed in fixed proportions with brandy, which acts as a preservative, and stored in a dark glass bottle.
Environmental Therapies Clinical Ecology
The Belief that our environment can affect our health is not new. Hippocrates, the ancient Greek father of modern medicine (today's physicians still respect the Hippocratic Oath even if they no longer take it), recorded the beneficial and harmful effects of certain foods in the 5th century B.C.
Goal Setting Secrets Measure It
The literature, which supports the effectiveness of proper goal setting, is overwhelming. I must emphasize however the words 'proper goal setting.' The small percentage of people who do set goals, do so incorrectly which is why over half of people who make New Year's Resolutions abandoned them after three months. One of the biggest problems for people is that they fail to set measurable goals. Take for example the following list of some of the most popular goals set by people.
The Many Applications of Refrigeration A Tutorial for Refrigeration and HVAC Professionals
Students seeking refrigeration and HVAC certification might be interested to learn more about refrigeration's long and colorful history. No longer exclusive to the wealthy, in home refrigerators have come a long way since their invention. Cooling units come in many sizes, too and have a wide variety of uses.
Mom Are You Guilty of Turning Your Daughter Into Your Sister Friend?
When we place unfair expectations on our children or use them to validate our needs, we set them up to take on more than they can handle. Here are some tips to help you stay connected without crossing the line.
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