Tuesday, January 15, 2008

5 Important Tips To Help You Stop Snoring

Snoring is a big problem, especially if it's risen to the level
of keeping you or your spouse up at night. A lot of families
struggle with snoring, but it's an issue that can often be
corrected with a few simple steps.

Remove allergens from the air. Regardless of whether you have
allergies or not, clean air is always better. You can help to
remove some of the airborne allergens that may contribute to
nasal congestion, difficulty breathing and other symptoms that
may cause snoring, with the use of portable air cleaners.

Sleep on your side instead of your back. When you sleep on your
back, the tissues in the back of your throat may be relaxing and
blocking your airway passage. This often leads to snoring, but
can sometimes be corrected with a simple change in your
sleeping position. Individuals who sleep on their side often
snore less, which makes for a much better quality of sleep.

New Article on Snoring

Portland Snoring
Home Remedies for Snoring
Best Cure for Snoring
Should You Worry About Mom Snoring
Oregon Snoring Experience

Shed those unwanted pounds. Individuals who are diagnosed as
being overweight or obese are more likely to snore louder than
those who are within their normal weight range. Not only is
obesity a serious health risk, but it's also linked to this
nighttime nuisance that could be disrupting others within the
household. Snoring can often be reduced by losing weight with
the help of a healthy diet and exercise routine.

Use two pillows instead of one. The additional elevation may
help to keep airway passages from being restricted which, in
turn, could lead to less snoring.

Speak with a physician. In some cases, a doctor may recommend
an anti-snoring device if the sufferer is diagnosed with sleep
apnea or if it persists to the level of disrupting sleep. There
are both over-the-counter and prescription treatments that may
help to ease snoring, but it's essential that a physician be
consulting prior to using any type of anti-snoring device.

The information contained in this article is designed for
reference purposes only. It should not be used as, in place of
or in conjunction with professional medical advice regarding a
treatment or cure for snoring. For additional information, a
diagnosis and/or treatment advice, consult a licensed

About The Author: http://www.red3enterprises.com