To keep you hardwood floors looking their best, regular attention is the key. With the proper care and maintenance, you can keep your hardwood floors looking new for many years and they will last a lifetime.
Top 10 Ways To Get Your Poetry Promoted
Are you looking for how to get the word out about your poetry, writing or book? Here are the top 10 ways to get free promotion and interest for little or no cost.
One Way to Build Your Practice Increase New Patient Production
You cannot build a practice based on promotional marketing alone. You must have a balanced marketing plan that incorporates building your brand of chiropractic foremost and using promotional activities to supplement your marketing.
Different Types Of Mutual Funds
A mutual fund can be described as professionally managed form of collective investments that pools money from many investors and invests it into stocks, bonds and other securities. Mutual funds are a great way for investors with limited resources to participate in the financial market. There are various types of mutual funds including open ended funds, close ended funds, equity funds, exchange traded funds and gold trading funds.
How To Become A Creative Genius
I read a book titled "Jump Start Your Brain" by a fellow named Doug Hall, who promises "50,000 Volts of Ideas for Cranking Your Cranium and Turning Your Dreams Into Reality." The book was not as good as I had hoped but this guy makes a very good living teaching Fortune 500 executives how to be creative. One of his advantages is that he has an entrepreneurial attitude. He tends to look at problems simply and concretely. That's good and a good foundation for creativity.
How to Discover Free Money for College in Unlikely Places
Most emerging college students know very few places to look for college scholarships. Very few even consider searching beyond the guidance counselor's office. Finding money for college takes effort and a willingness to explore.
What Are Exchange Traded Funds
Exchange traded funds or the ETFs are the index tracking funds. They are listed on the stock exchange and can be traded like single equities. An ETF tracks the value of a stock index or the market as a whole.
Adding Value
Do you add value to your business? Don't we all add value to our business? Whether you're an employee, or if you own your own business, be a live and active participant in the process of increasing the value in your business.
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