Following your dreams makes you experience abundance. It makes you feel good and opens up the channels to attracting more happiness and more abundance. Little do we know that the very way we think influences the outcome of an action. The entire point is to learn how to see yourself as attracting abundance.
Being truthful to yourself is the key to unlocking the treasure within you. The path to the incredible riches that lie inside of you is to go beyond the veil of repressed emotions, past failures and disappointments. In order to get there, let us try and find the answer to a simple question. Are you in control of your thoughts? Before you rush in with a resounding YES, take a moment to make the buzz in your head stop. Listen to the voices, sounds and sentences bouncing off the walls of your mind. Do you hear angry screeches, screams, groans and criticism? Do you hear guilt, pain and reproach? Do you hear the suppressed whispers of sadness and loneliness? If you do, is there any wonder that you are NOT a Self Rich person yet?
When you joined a home based business or an MLM, your sponsor probably asked you to make a list of your friends and family. This is considered your "warm market." Then you probably called and invited them over to your house for a presentation or a get together.
Aikido is a unique form of martial art. Its emphasis lies on the harmonious fusion of mind and body with the natural laws of Nature. Aikido focuses on accepting and respecting the energy of life and nature and channeling this harmony onto techniques that expresses this energy in physical forms.
Everyone has the power of life or death in one's hands. It is the decision of the individual to slow down when pedestrians are crossing or whether to pull the trigger when going on a duck hunt.
Belief and Attitude can play a major role in how successful you are. It's time to put things in the right perspective.
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