Have you ever heard of the term Money is Energy or everything is Energy? Energy comes from many places such as emotional uplift, adrenaline, Biological processes at the cellular level, but at the core it is the state of someone's Acid Alkaline balance.
Can We Live To 150 Years Old?
I believe we as humans can live to 150 years old.... In fact, we live in a world filled with negativity and materialistic motivations. Those of us who can conquer the belief system that society forces upon us and truly connect with their own inner powers will have the greatest chance of longevity. The first step in longevity is believing it could happen to you. The power of your belief system is beyond written words. It is what helps underdogs win against all odds. It is the backbone of most miracles. It indeed could be your first awakening towards a new journey of healthy and joyous living.
12 Aphrodisiac Fruits
You must have read several literatures about substances that can aid your sexual drive. This isn't one of such. Here, we bring to you 12 fruits that will explode your bedroom beyond your widest fantasies. These have no side or long lasting effects. They are pure gifts of nature. Read on to change your sexual attitude and boost your confidence...
What is Intelligence?
"Intelligence is a property of mind that encompasses many related mental abilities, such as the capacities to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend ideas and language, and learn Wikipedia" Hence intelligence is a mental process and most of the time we relate it to solving complex mathematical problems. In fact the ability to do that is but just one form of intelligence. There are at least 10 categories of intelligence and these are presented below.
Tattoo Designs of Chinese Zodiac Signs Choose The Right Zodiac Tattoo Design
The chinese culture has infused into the western region in the past years, gaining increasing popularity. One instance is the tattoo industry which has shown an escalating of tattoo lovers inking chinese astrology and zodiac tattoo designs onto their body part. In Chinese astrology, the zodiac of twelve animal represents twelve different types of characteristics.
You Are What You Don't Eat
I speak often on the subject of nutrition, health, wellness, and fitness and several things have become clear to me. Almost everyone wants to lose weight, look better, feel better, have more energy, feel happiness and joy and just plain and simply have more fun and enjoy life. However, very few people either have the knowledge of how to do it, will listen to any advice, or if they do have good intentions their actions don't always catch up with those intentions. They simply have a hard time with change when it comes to lifestyle choices and food choices. After all, isn't that why most diets fail? Do this, don't do that, eat more of this, eat less of that. It becomes overwhelming and eventually you quit. It's the same concept as people that want to be rich but aren't willing to make the sacrifices necessary to make the money and keep it in your life.
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