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The Things That Make up John McCain The Republican
John McCain was born August 29, 1936, in Panama at the Coco Solo Air Base during the American control of the Panama Canal Zone. However, he is an American citizen, by virtue of being the son of an enlisted serviceman serving the United States and being on American controlled soil at the time of his parent active duty. He comes from a long line of ancestors with United States military careers.
Get Out of Debt and Save Your Home!
It's important to live within your means to prevent drastic problems such losing your car, foreclosure, or bankruptcy. It's possible to become debt free, and pay your mortgage off early.
Tips And Tools Of Communication For Parents With Teens
In some respects, you do not know what parenting is until your children hit their teens. It's a whole new ball game.
You Are the Best Predictor of Your Future
Do you realize you have a uniquely amazing gift, in your possession right this very moment, to do with as you see fit? You can squander, resent, abuse, hate, and even throw it away; or, you can cherish it with an attitude of gratitude...
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