Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Legal Nurse Consultant Advocate For Victims

Legal nurse consultants are a special breed of nurses. These healthcare professionals bridge the gap between the medical and legal fields, advocating for victims of abuse and/or crimes. Their expertise in medicine is highly sought after by defense attorneys who need their expert testimony to provide insight into the legal dramas that play out in courtrooms day after day in both civil and criminal cases. Continue ...

Young children flourish when caregivers read to them. Read on for tips on where to get books for babies and how to set up a home library. Continue ...

Deciding on which book to buy for your toddler or baby can feel tremendous when standing in the children's area of your local book store. If you find yourself looking and just not knowing which books to buy or where to begin the helpful children's book buying tips below will make short work of your shopping. Continue ...

Do SSRIs and other antidepressants actually work? Or do they make you suicidal? Is the risk of antidepressants greater than the benefits? Continue ...

Car insurance is a topic that causes an involuntary shudder for most. As a nation we dread renewal time and many of us simply pay whatever renewal price our current insurer demands. The thing is it really isn't that difficult if you know where and what to look for. Continue ...