Sunday, February 10, 2008

What's the Greatest Risk to Your Portfolio During Bad Markets?

What's the greatest risk to your portfolio during bad markets? Surprise! It's probably your advisor. Common sense says you play the odds and red flags exist everywhere that the U.S. economy is in serious trouble. Then why is your advisor recommending that you stay fully invested in the markets because a recovery is on the way? If the Feds slash continue to interest rates, those actions may have already reached a point of diminishing positive returns. Raising interest rates of course would be painful. So no matter what the Feds decide to do, their options are disastrous. Further reading ...

Perhaps the best natural treatments for prostate cancer comes in the form of prevention. In addition to contributing to your overall health, there is evidence that a balanced diet can help prevent prostate cancer. It's familiar advice, but limiting fats and increasing your intake of fresh, green vegetables, whole grains and fish may help protect you. Further reading ...

Are you thinking about forgoing your summer family vacation? Here are some things that will make you think twice about passing up your holiday. Further reading ...

There are many preachers, pastors, evangelists and Bible scholars that profess themselves to be wise. In my opinion, it is an awesome responsibility for a teacher or pastor to accurately interpret the story of Job because as goes the Book of Job, so goes the entire Bible. If you misinterpret Job, your interpretation of the whole Bible, more than likely, will be affected. The disease of misinterpretation will infect your faith in divine healing, protection and prosperity. People who believe God gave Satan permission to test Job by terrorizing him, killing his family and destroying his possessions have a hard time believing God for much of anything. Further reading ...

Miami is one of the best cities that you can find in the US. This city has a lot to offer. Further reading ...