Thursday, August 14, 2008

How Good Does Your Business Look?

How Good Does Your Business Look?
While there are many different aspects that go to make up a great business, appearance is the one that can sometimes get less attention than it deserves. Yet it is also one of the most important. It doesn't matter whether the business is situated in a warehouse or in one of the most modern office blocks in the area, appearances do matter and if you don't pay enough attention to it your business will suffer as a result.

What is Your Most Valuable Asset?
Your most valuable asset, in selling a business or designing an exit or succession strategy does not appear on your balance sheet. That asset is the difference in getting a higher multiple on a sale. You must protect your most valuable asset.

DHL, Fedex and UPS International Shipping Guide Comparison
We have reviewed the international shipping guides from DHL, Fedex and UPS for use by a novice shipper. We have evaluated these guides on the following points: - Content Layout - Ease of understanding for a novice shipper - "How To" instructions provided - Links to Shipping resources openly available without registration. For the novice shipper international shipping guides can be a geat way to start to learn about the international shipping process.

Casual Dress Code and Employee Motivation
Our work culture nestles into a daily life interspersing and making it also the same. Sometimes individuals find it hard to keep their personal and professional life different. One of the instances is the clothes one wears to office. Read this article to learn more about Casual dress code in your office and how helps in employee motivation

What is the Bearingpoint Learning Management System?
Bearingpoint is a company that has become one of the world's largest management and technology organizations around. They have 17,000 consultants that work together with organizations worldwide to help client's solve their managing needs. The Bearingpoint learning management system is just one of the products that the Bearingpoint company offers.

Eliminate Poor Work Ethic Through Workforce Development
Eliminating poor work ethic through employee development will help your organization succeed! This article will provide you with information that can help you staff your organization with people who are prepared and motivated to work. Whether you're an executive, a manager or a supervisor, the following information will be beneficial to you.