Thursday, September 18, 2008

Lilli Ann, Meeting Adolph Schuman (1968, A Short Sketch)

I had worked for Lilli Ann, for about eleven months, and met Adolph Schuman, back in 1968, and a few months in 1969, a half dozen times, although I didn't care to run into him, it was uncouthly each time, but impossible not to, Mr. Schuman, Adolph Schuman, was the owner of Lilli Ann, his wife being Lilli Ann. ('While he operated the Lilli Ann Corporation, Adolph Schuman also held a number of political and governmental offices. At various times, he served as finance chairman for the presidential election campaigns of John, Robert, and Ted Kennedy; Director of the Commission for National Trade Policy; Chair of California World Trade Authorities; and on the Council for the Department of Commerce. He passed away in 1985.')