Sunday, November 02, 2008

Dr. Whitman (Story Seven, In - "Voices Out of Saigon")

I will have to try to tell about why Cassandra Hightower (daughter to Betty Hightower), and daughter of Jason Hightower, of Fayetteville, North Carolina, came to our Free-Standing Hospital, here in Prescott, Wisconsin, that Fall day in 1975. I mean, actually try to put it in this report, as clear as I can, and perhaps try to bridge the gap between the Hightower family and the Abernathy family, for both sisters are connected to Cassandra's instability, her frozen anger that has put her into a state of disassociation with whom ever she has contact with, even her Senior Counselor I assigned to her, Don Hooker, I will use his words in much of he report.