Wednesday, January 07, 2009

How To Reduce Cold Sore Outbreaks With Lysine

Are you looking to get rid of that painful and embarrassing cold sore? Cold sore medications are available at drug stores and online. Not all of them work though. You may use topical solutions like Dynamiclear to combat herpes virus. There is more information about it at Dynamiclear reviews to help you understand why and how it works.
Another way to deal with fever blister is take Lysine supplements. A high dosage of lysine can delay the growth of herpes simplex virus and stop the virus from replicating without causing any side effect. Through clinical research, it's been shown that with Lysine, your herpes won't be as bad and you'll also have less outbreaks.
The body requires lysine for well-being. But, the body is unable to synthesize it. You can only obtain lysine from the food.
Lysine is important for growth and bone development in children. It plays an important role in your body's calcium absorption, nitrogen balance and muscle development. {It is used in the production of antibodies, body tissues, hormones, enzymes, and collagen formation.}
Lysine is a treatment option to fight the herpes simplex virus and heal lesions around your mouth and genital area. You'll see your herpes disappearing fast with lysine supplements and it also helps to keep it away.
You can eat lysine-rich foods such as lima beans, potatoes, cheese, brewer's yeast, eggs, milk, and meat. These foods can keep cold sore outbreaks at bay. You can minimize the number of times you suffer from cold sores and up your healing time if you eat the right kinds of food.

How Does Lysine Works

There are two amino acids that can influence herpes simplex virus: lysine and arginine. Excessive amounts of the amino acid arginine can lead to the herpes outbreaks. Lysine stops the viral outbreaks by repressing the metabolism of arginine. This is how it can stop the outbreaks.
Eating foods that are rich with arginine can increase the level of arginine in your system. So, the risk of the herpes outbreaks increases. You should avoid chocolate, nuts, cereals and beer which are rich with arginine.
The wound will heal quicker with the aid of lysine supplements. Overall, you can use lysine to stop the viral in their tracks internally.

The Reason Why Lysine Doesn't Work For Some Victims

This could be because the dosage is not high enough. A minimum of 1250mg per day of lysine is needed in treating and preventing cold sore. Based on the clinical studies, small dosage of Lysine gives limited effect on the herpes simplex virus. 
If you want quick relief, then you should try local applications such as Dynamiclear. Unlike lysine, it kills the herpes virus externally. You can visit Dynamiclear reviews for more information.
In combination with bioflavonoids, vitamin C, and zinc, it makes lysine more effective. Before you buy any lysine supplements, the ingredients should include these nutrients.