Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How to Use Persuasion Techniques to Turn a No Into a Yes

How to Use Persuasion Techniques to Turn a No Into a Yes
Everyone I know would like to get their way every time, wouldn't you? But the reality of the situation is you don't always get your way. You could have the best intentions but people are still reluctant to take you up on your plan, buy products from you or go on a date with you. This is a very frustrating process, however knowing persuasive techniques can solve this problem. When you have a conversation with someone and you ask them a questions such as "Do you want to go to the movies tonight?" And they reply with "No" most people simply dismiss the idea and a sense of disappointment overcomes them. In this article I will teach you how to apply a persuasive technique in order to turn a no into a yes.